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St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Parish, Family, School

Year 4 Curriculum

The Curriculum - What will my child do in Year 4? 

More information regarding the core subjects taught in Year 4 is detailed below.  To see an overview of the Year 4 curriculum covering every subject, please click here.  You can also click on the following links to familiarise yourself with the National Curriculum objectives taught in English and Maths:

English: Reading, Comprehension & Spoken Language 
English: Writing 

We have been working hard to develop our curriculum, to ensure that we are driving the key knowledge and skills to ensure progression through the national Curriculum. 

Please click here to view our Autumn term curriculum in Year 4.

Please click here to view our Spring term curriculum in Year 4.

Please click here to view our Summer term curriculum in Year 4.


RE - In class, the children help to prepare and participate in weekly liturgies and assemblies. Not only in the teaching, but also in the daily practice of the faith, our children are helped by the personal example of the staff.  In Year 4, children commit the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In preparation for this Sacrament, the children reflect on their sins and how they can find redemption when they confess those sins to God - they will then receive their penance.

In English, your child will continue to work on the spelling patterns they have begun in previous years, but this year there is less of a focus on phonics and more emphasis on understanding and learning the spelling rules, as well as attention to prefixes and suffixes (a group of letters added to the beginning/end of a word).  In writing, we will focus on different writing styles; looking at speech, narrative, language style and character within their writing. Your child will also study different genres of writing such as poetry, newspaper reports and play scripts.

Maths in Year 4 has a heavy focus on multiplication and division facts (formerly known as times tables). Quick recall of the required 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 multiplication and division facts (as well as the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10 multiplication facts they’ve already learned in Year 1, 2 and 3) is important as they form the foundation for a large majority of the work the children will cover within the year and directly support them in the multiplication tables test later in the year.

You will notice your child beginning to develop their knowledge and use of column addition and subtraction, progressing up to four-digit numbers this year, as well as learning more methods to develop multiplication and division, and using — and applying — their multiplication fact knowledge. They will also cover fractions of quantities, adding and subtracting fractions, angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, area, perimeter, and shape.  The national curriculum ‘mastery’ style of teaching concentrates on breadth of knowledge, and children will be encouraged to use their understanding of the new concepts to solve challenges to deepen their understanding.

To learn more about mastery in Maths, please click here. 

Science in Year 4 is engaging and fun. Your child will learn about states of matter, electricity, sound, and animals (including humans). They will develop their skills of working scientifically and write up their investigations in a more formal way — using predictions, methods, results and conclusions.