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St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Parish, Family, School


Welcome to St Edmund’s.  Whether you are an established family within the school, a new parent or a passing visitor, I have no doubt that you will find something of interest within our website! Our teachers are enthusiastic and strive to encourage a love of learning in our pupils and a richness in faith. Our broad curriculum is God ce...
  • WOW – even the big top was in St Edmund’s colours! The children had an amazing day learning how to juggle, spin plates as well as acting the clown. What an amazing day, THANK YOU to the PA for organising such a great 85thbirthday treat! Scan the QR code to book your tickets.

    24/06/14 13:00:5114 June

  • Thank you so much for the wonderful donation of plants you sent in last week. Miss Grace & Mrs Jennings, together with the year 3 & 4 gardening team spent time planting them and the school is looking beautiful.

    24/06/14 12:36:2514 June

  • Our girls are incredible! Their skills and talents got them through to the competition final and their win resulted in them being asked to represent Brentford against teams from ALL over the country. They are officially the second-best team in the country-we are so proud of them!

    24/06/14 12:18:0414 June

  • Y5 had a fun time at Turner's House this week. They learnt all about use of watercolours and the landscapes he chose to paint they were surprised to learn that Turner’s self-portrait and his most famous painting, The Fighting Temeraire, are on the back of the £20 note!

    24/06/14 11:28:1114 June

  • This week we attended Richmond Borough Sports they all had an amazing day competing and achieved 2nd place in the medium sized school category, we are very proud of the team and they also got to see and hold Mo Farah’s gold Olympic medals from Rio and London. Well done everyone!

    24/06/07 13:07:367 June

  • Reception had a great day out at Bocketts Farm, they enjoyed feeding and stroking the animals, playing in the playgrounds, having a tractor ride and watching a pig race. It was all great fun! When they returned they drew some beautiful pictures and wrote about their day out.

    24/05/24 14:11:4824 May

  • The Mini Vinnies did a fantastic job at their recent bake/book sale, raising an impressive £77 for children impacted by war. Their hard work and dedication is truly inspiring!

    24/07/12 10:58:5412 July

  • Thank you everyone, including staff, visitors, parents, children and helpers for all coming together so beautifully to help celebrate our 85th Anniversary Mass on the school field. The altar servers were fabulous, the children who read were incredibly proud to have been chosen to represent their classes and year groups, and the Year 3 pupils who led the congregation in singing and signing the Hail Mary, they were very spiritual in their delivery and it added to the overall atmosphere of the Mass. The Bishop complemented us on how the children were so well behaved and respectful. I think everyone would also agree that the choir, with live music were brilliant. Our special thanks also go to the musicians, the PA helpers and all those behind the scenes who worked to make this Mass a very special event.

    24/07/12 10:28:0512 July

  • "In their English lessons year 3 have been reading 'The Puffin Keeper' by Michael Morpurgo. Last week each child rewrote a scene from the book as a playscript. They then created a stage out of reused and recycled materials to go with their script. Here are just a sample of the wonderful, imaginative creations. Great work year 3!"

    24/07/11 11:25:2411 July

  • How lucky were we to have good weather yesterday morning for the whole school photograph, the photographers arrived to set up at 7am and were ready to start filling the staging at 9am, it took a while to place all the children and staff, but the rain held off until the photographs were taken.

    24/07/10 10:31:0410 July

  • Year 5 have been lucky to have artists from Turner House come in to do pastels and print making with us.

    24/07/10 10:13:3510 July

  • On Friday 5th July, our Reception classes enjoyed a Pirate Day, this was an exciting and fun experience for all. They made pirate hats and also parrots to wear on their arm, followed by lots of pirate storytelling. As the weather was good, they also managed to build a pirate ship! and ended the day with a fabulous treasure hunt on the field looking for jewel necklaces! What a brilliant day everyone had.

    24/07/10 09:57:1410 July