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St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Parish, Family, School

House Saints


      St Francis of Assisi                 St Brigid of Kildare            St Anthony of Padua        St Bernadette of Lourdes              

When the children join St Edmund's School, they are assigned a 'house' under the patronage of the four saints above. Family groups are placed in the same house. This gives children the opportunity to work together with their peers and children from different year groups to achieve common goals together.  

St Francis of Assisi  (1181-1226 AD)

St Francis of Assisi was a wealthy young man of privilege. He served as a soldier and was a prisoner of war. He heard God's call and went on to be one of the most venerated Catholic saints. He designed the first nativity set and is the first recorded man to receive the stigmata - the wounds of Christ. 

St Francis pray for us.

FEAST DAY: 4th October 

St Brigid of Kildare (451-525 AD)

St Brigid was raised by the Druids (Celtic Holy men) and as a child, heard St Patrick preach. She never forgot his words and it was St Patrick who heard her take her final vows when she entered the convent. She founded a double monastery in Kildare, an art school and many convents all over Ireland. Her extraordinary spirituality, charity and compassion for those distressed are legendary.  St Brigid is also famous for her special cross.

St Brigid pray for us.

FEAST DAY: 1st February 

St Anthony of Padua (1195-1231 AD)

St Anthony was a monk best known for his great preaching skills. He was excellent at telling everyone about God and believed he should not prepare what to preach as God would guide him. He is the patron saint of missing things because he had a very special book that was stolen and he prayed that the thief would return it. The thief did and then went on to join St Anthony's religious order. 

St Anthony pray for us.

FEAST DAY: 13th June 

St Bernadette of Lourdes (1844-1879 AD)

St Bernadette was born in Lourdes, France to a poor family. As a child gathering firewood, our Blessed Mother Mary appeared to Bernadette 18 times to tell her to pray for sinners and to build a chapel on the site of where our Lady appeared.  Bernadette was told to dig in the ground and a spring came to life. Many healings have been attributed to this healing water.  When Bernadette became older she joined the convent and became a nun. 

St Bernadette pray for us.

FEAST DAY: 16th April