About the Governing Body
St Edmund’s Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided school and its Governing Body consists of both appointed and elected governors.
Foundation Governors:
Foundation governors at the school represent the interests of the Diocese of Westminster who are trustees of the school. Foundation Governors are appointed in the name of the Archbishop and form the majority of the governing body. They have a legal duty to preserve and develop the Catholic character of the school and to ensure that the school is conducted in accordance with its trust deed. There are eight foundation governors in total, with two foundation governor vacancies at St Edmund’s at the moment:
- Fr Jonathan Stogdon
- Mrs Clare Jones (Co-Chair)
- Mr Sean McAlinden (Co-Chair)
- Mr Godfrey Nunes
- Mr Carl Pandole
- Mrs Susan Sparkes (Vice Chair)
- Two vacancies - to be recruited Autumn 2024
Parent Governors
Parents of pupils registered at the school are eligible to stand for election as a parent governor. They are elected by other parents at the school. The school has three elected parent governors :
- Ms Cristina Fernandez
- Mrs Janine Langmead
- Mrs Aimee Monteith
Staff Governors
The Headteacher is automatically eligible to be a full member of the governing body by virtue of the office. Headteachers have the choice of being a governor. Both teaching and support staff who are paid to work at the school are eligible to stand as staff governors. They are elected by other members of staff at the school. The school has one elected staff governor:
- Mr Fearghal Nash
Local Authority Governors
The Local Authority governor is recommended by the LBRUT and appointed by the Governing Body. Our LA governor is:
- Mr Mark Brown
Associate Members
Associate Members are appointed by the Governing Body where they have particular skills that are required in Committee and where they can be given voting rights. They can also attend Governing Body meetings where they do not have voting rights. Our Associate Members are:
- None appointed this academic year
- Mrs Carmel Moreland (Headteacher)
Governors generally hold their office for a period of four years at a time. During this time they are expected to attend training courses and briefings on a comprehensive range of topics provided by AfC Ltd and the Diocese of Westminster. Governors provide challenge and support with a focus on three core strategic
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Meetings of the Full Governing Body are held at least once a term. The Governing Body also has committees and working parties:
Committee Members
Curriculum & Achievement Committee | Resources Committee | Catholic Life & Community |
Mr Mark Brown - Chair | Mrs Clare Jones | Mr Mark Brown |
Ms Cristina Fernandez | Mr Sean McAlinden | Mrs Clare Jones |
Mrs Clare Jones | Mrs Carmel Moreland | Mrs Janine Langmead |
Mrs Janine Langmead | Mr Godfrey Nunes - Chair | Mrs Aimee Monteith - Chair |
Mr Sean McAlinden - Vice Chair | Mr Carl Pandole | Mrs Carmel Moreland |
Mrs Aimee Monteith | Mr Fearghal Nash | Mr Fearghal Nash |
Mrs Carmel Moreland | Clerk: Mrs Gaynor Nicholl | Mrs Susan Sparkes |
Mr Fearghal Nash | Fr Jonathan Stogdon | |
Mr Carl Pandole | Clerk: Mrs Gaynor Nicholl | |
Clerk: Mrs Gaynor Nicholl |
Admissions & Appeals Committee | Pay & Personnel | Headteacher Performance Management |
Mrs Aimee Monteith | Mrs Clare Jones - Chair | Mr Mark Brown |
Mrs Carmel Moreland | Mr Sean McAlinden | Mrs Clare Jones |
Mr Godfrey Nunes | Mrs Carmel Moreland | Mrs Susan Sparkes |
Mr Carl Pandole - Chair | Mrs Susan Sparkes | Clerk: SIP |
Mrs Susan Sparkes | Clerk: Mrs Gaynor Nicholl | |
Clerk: Mrs Gaynor Nicholl |