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St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Parish, Family, School



Reception has two classes. The teachers in Reception are Mrs Cheatham, Mrs Rutherford and Mrs Cuthbert.
Please make us aware of any concerns you may have regarding your child’s homework, behaviour or learning.   Do NOT wait until parents evenings if you are worried,  we are here to help you and your child.

How to contact your child’s teacher:

The Curriculum - What will my child do in Reception? 

Please click here to find out more about the curriculum in Reception. 

Important information

RC have PE on a Wednesday.     RA have PE on a Friday. 
Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on those days. They should have a spare pair of shoes to wear if their trainers get wet or muddy.

At St Edmund’s, we follow the Little Wandle Phonics scheme. When phonics lessons have begun, a sound pack will be sent home for adults to practise the taught sounds with their children and to make words using the correct sound. 

Once your child has learnt enough sounds, books at the appropriate level will be sent home with your child. These books contain sounds that your child has been taught, and they should be able to read independently.

You children will also have a “pleasure for reading” book. This is a book your child has chosen themselves. Your child may not be able to read this independently, but it is brought home to encourage their love of reading.

To support your child with reading you can:

  • Recap the sounds your child has been taught (10 mins max)
  • Make words with the sounds your child has been taught (10 mins max)
  • Read words in your everyday environment eg. Road signs, shopping lists.
  • Read their own writing back to you – it might not match what they’ve actually written, and this is ok!
  • Read stories to your child
  • Sing songs with your child

Read things for pleasure in front of your child.