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St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Parish, Family, School

Welcome from The Headteacher



Welcome to St Edmund’s Catholic Nursery and two form entry Primary School.  Ours is a nurturing and supportive community where parents, staff and governors work together to achieve the best for our children. As soon as you are welcomed through the doors, you will see the vibrant artwork, hear the buzz of learning and see smiling faces in every classroom.

Our nursery offers morning or afternoon sessions for children aged three to four. We have some full-time places also and are happy to accept enquiries. Our highly skilled nursery staff provide outstanding care, education and support for you and your children and our superb facilities and grounds give the children everything they need to feel confident and secure.

St Edmund’s Primary School has served the local community for over 85 years and is a wonderful school with a well-established reputation for providing an excellent education, based on Gospel values. Our most recent Ofsted report recognises that this 'is a happy community where pupils enjoy their learning. They work hard and rise to the challenges that their teachers provide. Pupils trust adults to look after them. They are kept safe at school.  Parents and carers appreciate that leaders and staff are approachable and leaders ensure that every pupil is known and encouraged to be their best'.

School life is busy and rich. The skill and dedication of the staff team are central to the high standards maintained. Our teachers encourage a love of learning in our pupils. Our broad curriculum is God centred with a wide range of teaching styles to ensure that every child’s needs are catered for.  We focus upon building self-esteem and confidence so that success can be achieved spiritually, morally and academically. We are committed to high attainment for all our learners, regardless of ability or aptitude.

Our children have a vast array of excellent opportunities, not only academically, but in French, Art, Drama, Music and Sport – indeed, St Edmund’s has the highly coveted Platinum Schools Games Award. We have extensive grounds, facilities and resources. We enrich the curriculum through a programme of events, visits and experiences that expose children to new horizons.    We run many before & after-school clubs to allow the children to explore all their interests. These are all factors that support our excellent SATS results.  Our pupils excel academically in comparison to the national average in terms of progress and attainment.

Naturally, we have the highest expectations of all of our pupils and expect outstanding levels of attendance, appearance, courtesy, respect and work ethic throughout their time at the school. We encourage an open cooperative relationship between the school and home and wish for parents and carers to be active partners in their children's education. Our Catholic ethos means we encourage the children to contribute to those in need in the wider community and pupils support a wide range of community initiatives/charities.

Although priority is given to applications from practising Catholics, it is not unusual for us to be able to offer places to those of other or no faiths. See our full admissions criteria and key dates for submitting applications for the Nursery and Primary School.

Thank you for visiting our website. There is a huge amount of additional information for you to browse. We would encourage you to contact us and register to come to one of our open mornings where you will receive a very warm welcome.

Mrs Carmel Moreland 
