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St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

St Edmund's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Parish, Family, School

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!  This stage marks the end of Key Stage 2 as your child prepares to move to secondary school.  Here you can find home learning and other important information including what we will be learning throughout the year.  Please visit us regularly to follow our learning journey.  

Please make us aware of any concerns you may have regarding your child’s homework, behaviour or learning.   Do NOT wait until parents evenings if you are worried, we are here to help you and your child.

How to contact your child’s teacher:

If you are having to self-isolate at home, please click here to visit our dedicated home learning page to access resources to keep you busy.  After two days of isolation, work will be posted for you on Google Classroom. 

The Curriculum - What will my child do in Year 6? 

Please click here to find out more about the curriculum in Year 6. 

Important information

Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on their designated PE days. days.  



Children in Year 6 are expected to read for 20 minutes every evening. Children have free access to the book corner at school or can read books from home if they prefer. Staff monitor the children’s reading in the reading journal throughout the week.  Click here to view a suggested reading list for children in Year 5 and 6.​

Reading - It is important to hear your child read regularly. When you are listening to your child, remember to ask them questions about the text and ask them to give evidence to support their answers.  

Your child will be given weekly spelling, maths homework, grammar and comprehension tasks. Maths and grammar tasks will reflect what the children have been learning in class and comprehension tasks will gradually build up to help prepare the children for the end of Key Stage SATs in the summer term.